Web Hosting Support

Touchstone Hosting Support

Cpanel: We currently are using CPanel, you can download the manual here (it is a pdf file)

Website Access

I’ve just signed up and can’t access my site with my domain name?

In order to access your website using your domain name, you must update your name servers with your domain name registrar first. After updating your name servers, it takes between 24-72 hours for the global DNS tables to reflect the change. You may then access with your domain name. If we register your domain name for you, we carry this out upon registration. Until your domain name resolves, you can access your pages by typing in your address as follows: http://IP-address/~user_name/ (Replace user_name with your user name for your account.)

I’ve uploaded my pages, my domain has resolved and I still can’t access my site.
You need to delete the default “index.html” page that was automatically added to your public_html directory when your account was created. If you upload an “index.htm” page to your public_html directory and don’t delete the “index.html” page, you may not be able to access your website with your domain name URL.

How do I access my control panel? http://your_domain_name/cpanel or https://your_domain_name:2082


To get to the web based mail programs simply, enter into your address bar: http://www.YourDomainName.com/webmail You’ll enter your login info. Then choose from the mail program you’d like to use.

How do I set up Outlook Express to download my email?
In the Email section of the control panel, there is a special setup feature for Outlook Express users, please see the CPanel users guide for more info.

If you would like to set up Outlook Express yourself (which is what we recommend), you can download our easy to follow guide here (it is a pdf file).


How do I upload my pages to the server via ftp?

To upload your files via ftp, you will need some ftp software.

To publish your pages, you would use your domain name eg. ftp://yourdomainname.com (example) and enter your user name and password supplied to you in your welcome email when you connect to the server. Please upload your pages to the public_html directory – consult your ftp clients instructions for the exact method for the particular software.

You can also upload your pages from within your control panel. Access your control panel and select the public_html directory. Click upload files and select the files to upload from your PC. Click Go and you are done.

What is anonymous ftp and how do I use it?

Account users with plans that include Anonymous FTP can allow ‘anonymous’ FTP access to persons wishing to download or upload files to and from your web site, as if you were running your own FTP server. Use with extreme caution, as this will use up bandwidth, and can quickly result in extra costs added if you go over the allowed monthly amount. You can enable (and disable) Anonymous FTP access within the FTP Feature inside your Control Panel. We reserve the right to apply charges to accounts in excess of their monthly data transfer limit. We monitor bandwidth usage and will usually contact you to let you know that you are near your limit – allowing you to upgrade your plan – this is cheaper than paying for extra bandwidth alone.

If you allow people to download / upload files to your site, keep track of your disk space usage via your Control Panel. Do not allow your disk space usage to get too close to your maximum disk space allocation or you may experience problems accessing your site via FrontPage and/or be unable to upload or modify files.

You are responsible for any “pirated” software uploaded by the anonymous users. The anonymous ftp sites will be periodically monitored for anything that falls outside of our terms and conditions.

Front Page

How do I upload my pages using Microsoft FrontPage™?

To upload with Microsoft FrontPage™, you need to have requested or installed the frontpage extensions on your account. You may install and uninstall the extensions within your control panel by clicking the FrontPage™ Icon. To publish your site after your domain name has resolved to our server (24-72 hours), you may upload your site to your domain name ie. http:// your.domainname.com.

The general order is:

1. Load-

Where can I get help with FrontPage™?

You may find the answers to your queries regarding FrontPage™ here: http://search.support.microsoft.com/kb/
Read your manual and search the Microsoft website and you will find the answers to your problems.

I can’t upload my files using FrontPage™ and some of my code is missing from the pages .

You receive the following error…”Server error: Cannot close file “.example.gif.tmp”.

This is usually because you have exceeded your storage allowance for your account. Please note that the shopping cart and cgi-tools all take up space on the server if you use and install them. If you are not using your shopping cart, you can free up disk space by contacting us, we will then reset your shopping cart for you.

2. Access-
3. Transfer Files to the public_html folder-
4. Done-

Web Statistics:

With your control panel, you receive access to a variety (Analog, Awstats, and Webalizer) of statistical analyses for your website. We suggest you look over each and decide on one to use. Reviewing your web stats monthly is an excellent way to measure how well your website is doing.


Which CGI Programs come with my hosted account?

As an added benefit to your hosting experience we do include, at no additional charge, several CGI based programs including: CGI Wrapper; Random HTML; Simply Guestbook; Advanced Guestbook; Visitor Counter; Clock; Countdown Timer; CGIemail; Entropy Search and Entropy Banner.

In addition to these, there is: Invision board is a great forum template, PHP-Nuke 6.8 – PHP-Nuke is an advanced content management system, and osCommerce is an easy to use and configure shopping cart system.

Which directory do I place my cgi files in?

You should upload your .cgi files to your cgi-bin directory. * .cgi scripts will run anywhere within your public_html directory however .pl files MUST be placed within your cgi-bin in order for them to function correctly.

What is the method for uploading .cgi files?

You should upload your .cgi or .pl files with your ftp client in ASCII format. This is important as your files will not execute if you upload them in BINARY format. You should also set your permissions for each file as specified by the software vendor. Permissions are refferred to as CHMOD ie (CHMOD 755) and can be set within the control panel or with your ftp client after you have uploaded your files to the server.

Please note that ‘SUEXEC ‘ Is installed on our servers and so setting permissions to 777 is no longer possible for security reasons – Permissions should be therefore set to 755.

What are the common server paths that I require?

The common server paths that we recieve requests for:

Perl version 5.x: /usr/bin/perl
Absolute path for your files/scripts: /home/username/public_html/
Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
Date: /bin/date
Java: /usr/bin/java
Whois: /usr/bin/whois
Python: /usr/bin/python

Do you provide further CGI Support?

Further CGI support can be obtained through Touchstone Hosting but there is a fee involved. Support for your CGI can be obtained through us for $30/hour. Because we contract this work out; you will be required to pay half of the anticipated fee prior to the start of the CGI Support and the other half immediately upon support conclusion.

Domain Names:

What is a Domain Name?

A Domain Name is the word-version of a lengthy set of numbers that makes up an Internet address (called an IP address). That address and corresponding domain name locates a computer that is connected to the Internet and may host your Web site. Sometimes it is referred to as a web address or a URL.

Why do I need to register a Domain Name?

A Domain name is your internet identity, it is the only way of letting people find you and your business on the web. With careful choice of your Domain name, you will find it easy to promote your goods and services.

What is a TLD or gTLD?

There are two types of Top Level Domains. The most common type is Generic or gTLDs, such as .com, .net, .org. New gTLDs are such as .nom, .info and .biz. (and more are being added all the time)

What’s the maximum number of characters for a Domain Name?

The maximum number of characters that can be placed in the global database for a Domain Name is 67 including the extension. (.com etc)

What information is required to register a Domain Name?

You can register your domain name here.

You must enter a mailing address, a telephone number, an e-mail address and your company or name’s. We can administer your domain unless you want to do this or have your web hosting or ISP to do it for you.

You must also provide DNS information about the servers that will point to your domain name, unless you host your site with us or just free park your domain on our servers.

Once I’ve registered my Domain Name, what do I do now?

Once your payment clears and the global database alerts us that your name has been accepted, you own your name and the database should reflect the information within 24-72 hours. You can now access your website via your domain name if you have a hosting provider.

What is the process for registering a Top Level Domain Name?

Basically, these are the steps:

1. Search the database to find out if the name is available.

2. Register online with our secure order form.

Enter your name servers into our comments field on our order form (If required).

3. Choose length of registration 1 – 10 years.

4. Submit our form and pay for domain name registration.

Can I register a Domain Name without having a Web site?

Yes. Domain names can be registered and “parked” on our server until you are ready to launch your website.

I want to register a Domain Name but I don’t have the DNS information.

DNS information is not required, we can park your domain name on our name servers or you can provide your own if you are already hosted with someone else.

How long does the registration process take?

From the time you settle on a domain name that is available, to the moment you become the owner is usually a matter of minutes, for online registration. Domain registrations with hosting sign ups are usually completed within a few hours, with a guaranteed 24 Hour maximum. Currently .org names are an exception..

Once my Domain Name is registered who owns it?

The “owner” is the legally binding holder of a domain name and in this case the person listed as the Registrant contact when the name was registered. The administrative contact is the person authorized to make changes to the information related to the Domain Name. The billing contact contact is responsible for billing issues and the Technical Contact is the one who is authorized to edit zone details etc. (Usually us or your web host)

How long is the registration period?

We currently register Domain Names for 1 – 10 years.

Are any fees incurred when changing contact or DNS information?

No. Once you’ve registered a domain name with us, you can make changes to the contact or DNS as often as necessary.

Can I transfer my Domain Name’s to Touchstonehosting.com?

Yes. Click here for .com / .net / .org / .biz and .info transfer requests.

How can I sell my Domain Name?

When you sell / transfer a domain name, the new owner will be required to pay for at least one year of registration at the time of the transfer. You just need to update the registrant details to be the new owners. Please contact us to help you with the transfer.

Should I be concerned about trademarks when registering a Domain Name?

There is no easy or simple answer to this question, however, as a general rule: if you are registering a domain name that is the same as a registered trademark for the purposes of trying to mislead that trademark holder’s customers or profit from their name, you may be heading for legal trouble. There are numerous legal issues involved with trademark and copyright infringement and how it relates to the Web, so you need to be educated.